Friday, June 19, 2009

The Last Post - Pre - Event!

The support crew has arrived and the vehicles are stocked with hopefully everything we shall need! The weather forecast is mixed so we have packed all the recommended gear. Tonight we will have a pasta dinner and then head out to Glasgow to arrive there by 11pm for check - in and a race briefing. Today I am feeling more confident and calm about the undertaking. As Neil often reminds me...just keep moving forward! ;-) I am really looking forward to the journey and seeing all the places we have read about. Thank-you to everyone for their best has been fun receiving them while we have been here!



  1. Hi Carolyn and Neil,

    I am getting as excited as you are to have this race underway ! One foot ahead of the other !!!! Think about "here and now" :-)


  2. Thanks Lise,

    Good advice...just over 8 hours to go. It is weird starting at 1AM! Will post again when we are all done! ;-)


  3. Carolyn and Neil, Good luck, enjoy your run, and you have probably finished by now and are recouperating. CONGRATULATIONS, See you back in the real world.

